If you’re using Middleman to generate static webpages for clients or your blog, you may have come across the highly useful middleman-meta-tags gem.
One feature I missed from tumblr was the automatic open graph tags, which provides an ample replacement. I use it like this this:
image_lead_path = get_image_lead(current_article.body)
article_description = generate_description(current_article.summary)
"description" => article_description,
"og:description" => article_description,
"keywords" => current_article.tags.join(', '),
"twitter:creator" => '@kashahkashah',
"twitter:image:src" => image_lead_path,
"og:image" => image_lead_path
Forgive the old school hash syntax, I prefer it when dealing with weird key names.
More importantly you have may noticed the two method calls to get_image_lead
and generate_description
I’m using these naive, but useful, methods here. generate_description
simply uses Nokogiri to collect text nodes and staples them together. get_image_lead
grabs the first and uses that as the ‘lead image’ for site, which is what will in turn get posted to a facebook wall. It falls back onto my main site image if the article has no image.
helpers do
def generate_description(summary)
summary = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(summary)
summary.xpath("//text()").to_s.gsub("\n", '. ')
def get_image_lead(body)
parsed_body = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(body)
lead_image = parsed_body.css('img').first
lead_image ? lead_image['src'] : image_path('greatwave.jpg')
I’m looking to make this a bit more robust and handle other media particular videos. But for now, it works!